9 Emotional Triggers To Influence Customer Buying Behaviors

Every decision we make involves emotions, including subconscious ones. Understanding what triggers those emotions can go a long way when it comes to developing effective marketing material. Most of us have the same basic mental triggers which drive an action. By knowing what those triggers are and how to position them to reach the desired response is extremely important in marketing. Below we will walk you through the 9 most popular emotional triggers that go hand in hand with effective marketing tactics.

emotional triggers to influence consumer buying

Emotional Trigger #1: Fear

What it is:

Ever heard of the phrase “FOMO” aka Fear of Missing Out? I’m sure most of us can agree that fear is a powerful emotion. It can produce reactions without conscious thought and override our entire thought process.

How it’s used:

This makes it easy for sellers to take advantage of our emotion. They can pull on our fear strings to make that purchase happen. Make sure to use caution though when triggering fear, it can get a bit risky. When used ethically, it can be highly effective. However, when used the negative misleading way, it can have a negative impact on your brand.


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Emotional Trigger #2: Time

What it is:

Time makes us a feel a lot of things. It always depends on the situation.

How it’s used:

We’re so busy, we could always use more time right? What if I told you, that your commute to work would be cut in half if you purchased a certain item. Does that sound appealing? The promise of more time is an easy thing to say yes to, we just have to make sure we can fulfill it.


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Emotional Trigger #3: Trust

What it is:

Trust is what to aim for when you’re working towards gaining customer loyalty. If customers truly trust you and your brand, more than likely they will buy from you repeatedly. Keep in mind, gaining trust through marketing is not something you can fake. Consumers will see right through you.

How it’s used:

When using trust as your emotional trigger, you must truly mean what you say and do. There are a few things that help a brand build trust. For example: be transparent, specific, human, and share what other people say to you.


“Your opinion matters and we want to deliver the best experience possible. Fill out this survey so that we can continue to fulfill your expectations.”

Emotional Trigger #4: Value

What it is:

Values show how important something is to us. They also help us make important personal decisions. We make buying decisions every day based on our values and judgments.

How it’s used:

It’s about getting the best price that has the most value.  For example, Customer Value = Perceived Benefit – Perceived Cost, ever seen that before? Who doesn’t love a good deal with the most value?


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Emotional Trigger #5: Belonging

What it is:

Belonging to something gives us validation. Most of us have a strong desire to belong to something.

How it’s used:

We may purchase an item just to feel accepted, or join a gym to make new friends. It’s human nature, the need to belong is strong. Feeling a sense of belonging is also good for the soul. It has a positive effect on our intellectual levels, social skills, health, and much more.


“Lifetime fitness, forever friends.”

Emotional Trigger #6: Guilt

What it is:

Guilt is experienced by everyone and sometimes too often. A lot of us feel it every time, whether that means leaving work a little early, splurging on expensive items, cheating on your diet. Whatever the case may be, guilt is a very dominant emotion that takes over a good chunk of our lives.

How it’s used:

When using guilt in marketing messages it is important on how you phrase it. Just like fear but worse, the risks of it being taken the wrong way are higher.


“These children are suffering. With your donation, you could provide help a child in need.”

Emotional Trigger #7: Instant Gratification

What it is:

Instant gratification has become the norm in today’s world. We have grown accustomed to instant gratification is just about any area of our lives.

How it’s used:

We no longer have to go to the store to rent a movie or wait until our favorite artist’s latest cd is being sold in stores before we can listen to it. We can get what we want almost instantly, which is increasing every day with technology.


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Emotional Trigger #8: Leadership

What it is:

To truly get your voice heard, your company needs to be a leader. Your words need to be something consumers value.

How it’s used:

Be a trendsetter. Find products that work and make them better. Own and control whatever market you’re in.


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Emotional Trigger #9: Competition

What it is:

There’s nothing wrong with a little competition. Sometimes it gives us the push we’ve been waiting for.

How it’s used:

In today’s world, we have a constant need to be better, stronger, faster than the next person. Competition is what drives a lot of us, and the marketing world it drives sales too.


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