
  • Creative
  • Digital
  • Strategy

The Client

CaroNova is an organization that strives to improve the future of healthcare in North and South Carolina by connecting people and organizations. Their ultimate goal is to create a more equitable health system for all Carolinians.

Brasco /// began working with CaroNova on a complete re-brand of the company. We took those results and translated them into a new website that defines who they are and what they do in a visually appealing way.

The Goals

The main goals for the CaroNova website are to build brand awareness and showcase CaroNova’s initiatives. While on the site, visitors are encouraged to connect with CaroNova to receive more information and participate in supporting the company’s mission.

Along with the main website project, Brasco built an internal portal for their board that they could access and log into from the main site. The portal listed all of the board members and their contact information, housed useful documents and resources, and listed upcoming events for the team. The portal was designed and built to mirror the main website, ensuring a seamless user experience when navigating from one site to the other.


Total goal completions


Cost per goal completion


  • Brand Discovery
  • Brand Guide
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Messaging
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Templates
  • Collateral
  • Marketing Campaign
  • Naming
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media
  • Website

We wanted to find someone to help us tell our story, help us innovate towards the future of health that we believed was possible for the Carolinas and talking with Brasco and seeing the kind of out the box thinking they’ve done in the past really resonated with our team and felt like a really natural cultural fit to work with them on this project.

Jai Kumar, Executive Director, CaroNova, North Carolina Healthcare Association

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Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality marketing service possible, so you can get the most out of your investment and maximize the returns for your business.
