Environmental Resource Center

  • Creative
  • Digital
  • Strategy

The Client

Environmental Resource Center provides environmental, safety, and transportation consulting and training to companies, government agencies, and universities. Examples of who they support include BMW, Pepsi, the US EPA, the US Navy, the Center For Disease Control, and Clemson University.

The Goals

Environmental Resource Center came to Brasco /// for help in refreshing their brand. The goal was to provide a brand strategy, create new brand messaging based on its target audience, and update its visual identity creating a cohesive brand.

We worked very closely with the Environmental Resource Center to bring their new brand to life. Once the brand was solidified and approved, we began implementing it across digital, print, and other channels. Below are some examples of the assets that we created for the brand.


  • Brand Guide
  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Messaging
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Templates
  • Business Cards
  • Collateral
  • Copywriting
  • Marketing Campaign
  • Social Media
  • UX Design
  • Website Strategy

Witnessing the transformation of a brand into a vibrant reality is an incredibly fulfilling experience, and the evolution of the Environmental Resource Center brand stands as a testament to how effectively it now encapsulates Amy's unwavering dedication and joyful exuberance. This project not only showcases the brand's visual transformation but also mirrors the values that drive ERC's remarkable work.

Maureen Joyce, Brasco Account Manager


Our mission is to help clients solve compliance challenges through attentive consulting and (hopefully entertaining) training services.


Our vision is to create refreshing experiences that empower our clients to pursue long-term sustainability and achieve ongoing compliance.


As it turns out, the government has a lot of safety regulations (and if you’re reading this, you probably know that). These safety regulations are important. They keep the environment safe from hazardous waste materials, as well as the people and animals that live in those environments–such as your family, your friends, your pets… and practically everything else.

But as it also turns out, these regulations can be really hard to understand, even hard to follow. And it doesn’t help that the mandatory material about these regulations is oftentimes so boring, so impersonal (we’ve all found ourselves snoozing a time or two)…This is where the Environmental Resource Center is here to help.

We offer both consulting and training services to help you face environmental, safety, and hazardous waste transportation challenges. We’ll help YOU save the day. And we’ll offer personalized instruction–either on-site or virtually–that’s attentive, instructional, and (we hope) at least a little bit entertaining (so…no more snoozing).

Together, we’ll create plans for efficient, ongoing compliance and sustainability, making for a safer and happier environment and a safer and happier you.

Your compliance credentials, your way.
Contact us today!

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Our goal is to provide you with the highest quality marketing service possible, so you can get the most out of your investment and maximize the returns for your business.
